*This experiment is designed for grades 3rd-5th and beyond. Younger grades may do this activity with the help of an adult*
What do plants need to grow and survive?
🌎Soil or a place to grow
🔥warmth, or the right temperature
What happens to a plant if they do not get enough sunlight? Or air? Or water? They will not live for very long!
Plants need sunlight, and are great at getting as much sunlight as they can.
In this experiment, see what happens if there are things in the way of plants getting sunlight. Just like magic, plants find interesting ways to find the sunlight they need!
Look at the worksheet below to see a science experiment placing a plant in a box, with shelves blocking the sunlight coming from the top of the box . What do you think the plant will do to find the sunlight it needs?
In the video, see the magic of a sunflower move! If you watched a sunflower all day, you would see that it moves throughout the day. Can you guess why?... it is following the sun!! The flower will move to make sure it always gets a lot of sunlight.
What do plants need to grow and survive?
🌎Soil or a place to grow
🔥warmth, or the right temperature
What happens to a plant if they do not get enough sunlight? Or air? Or water? They will not live for very long!
Plants need sunlight, and are great at getting as much sunlight as they can.
In this experiment, see what happens if there are things in the way of plants getting sunlight. Just like magic, plants find interesting ways to find the sunlight they need!
Look at the worksheet below to see a science experiment placing a plant in a box, with shelves blocking the sunlight coming from the top of the box . What do you think the plant will do to find the sunlight it needs?
In the video, see the magic of a sunflower move! If you watched a sunflower all day, you would see that it moves throughout the day. Can you guess why?... it is following the sun!! The flower will move to make sure it always gets a lot of sunlight.
Plants Follow the Sun Experiment
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